
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pentagrams Throughout History

Hey everyone!

I am SO excited! I just got a new piece of jewelry, every girl's wet dream :). This is even more special because it is Pentacle of the Goddess and this is my first pentagram.

I have been leery of wearing the pentacle in public due to the negative connotations surrounding the pentagram and its associations with Satanism and black magick. However I found this necklace and it is just so beautiful (and I am sick and tired of succumbing to the expectations and ideals of the masses) that I had to get it.

I love the knot-work feel to both the pentagram and the flower design, it gives it a Celtic aspect almost. My favorite thing about the necklace is the fact that it takes a symbol of faith and divinity for so many and adds to it femininity, strength, and nature in a gorgeous display.

For those of ya'll who don't know, the pentagram is a big aspect of pagan culture, especially Wiccan. But it is also important in other religions and cultures, including Ancient Christianity. I can see the "Holy Crap" faces now, but it is true. The Ancient Christians believed that the five points of the pentagram were directly associated with the five wounds that Christ received while on the cross and that it warded off demons and other evil spirits.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We've Hit 1000!!!!

I cannot believe that ya'll have come back over 1000 times. That is freakin' incredible. I know for the veteran bloggers out their, 1000 is miniscule compared to their number of pageviews. But for a girl who's only been blogging for a few months, and who has been slacking in the past one [:( SORRY!], 1000 views is unbelievable. I love you guys, ya'll are amazing, and I promise, promise, promise, that I will get back to posting.

As Always (but with some added love today)
Blessed Be!!